
Choose your musicline service

All our subscriptions come ready with the right licences, and music will be delivered
to you as a digital download from our MyMazaru site, or posted to you on CDs.




  • Choose from our existing tracklists - or create your own
  • Classic songs and current chart tracks
  • Fresh tracks every month
  • Listen and order online

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  • We take care of the music choices
  • Just choose the genre –  classical or modern
  • Automatic quarterly updates

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  • Bespoke productions
  • Tailored to your brand
    and marketing
  • Scripted and recorded messages
  • Well known music
    and instrumentals

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With Musicline Choice, you get full access to our music library of well known songs from older classics to current chart tracks – and you can choose how involved you want to be.

3 ways to choose your music:
Choose a collection
Every month, our music experts create new collections of tracks based on genre – simply select a tracklist and all 12 tracks will be added to your order.
Choose a genre
To make it even easier, you can just choose the genre that suits you best – place a one time order, and we'll automatically send you new tracks every month – to each licensed location, ready to use.
Choose every track yourself
Take control – every month, have a listen and choose up to 30 tracks from our collections and create your own custom playlist.
Our collections:

All the latest sounds

Timeless classics

Smooth jazz and easy listening

Instrumental classical pieces

A mix of all genres

A selection of tracks for the time of the year

Lyric Check

We screen all lyrics to make sure they’re appropriate for your hold and queues. And we never use songs with lyrics classified as ‘explicit’, but it’s always a good idea to check you’re happy with the message of a song.

What does it cost?

Subscription charges include music track updates and licence fees. Talk to us for a personalised quote. 


Our simplest subscription service – choose a music style and we’ll send you 6 new tracks, every three months. And that’s it! Frequent callers hear different music and your caller experience stays fresh.

Simply choose a music style that suits your brand:
Reflect your established and traditional brand image with light classical music. These timeless pieces are suitable for even the most diverse of audiences – perfect for the larger organisation.

We use mainly string and woodwind based works from the earlier composers, played by orchestras and small chamber music groups.
If your brand has a more contemporary image, then choose our modern instrumentals – neutral but engaging music, that appeals to a wide range of callers.

Mainly we use acoustic, progressive tracks – which work well through the phone and can help keep callers on the line for longer.

What does it cost?

Subscription charges include music track updates and licence fees. Talk to us for a personalised quote. 


Our custom subscription gives you the most control over your caller experience. And with the added benefit of scripted messages, you can talk more directly to your customers and promote your products and services. We’ll work with you to devise a plan – involving your service, technical, brand and marketing teams, help you to put it into practice and keep your productions fresh and relevant.

The benefits of a custom subscription:

Align more closely to your brand

  • Tailor to sales and service lines
  • Promote products and services
  • Align to marketing campaigns

Talk directly to your customers

  • Make sure they have everything they’ll need to hand before speaking with agents
  • Resolve FAQs
  • Encourage self service


  • Improve customer satisfaction scores
  • Increase wait times
  • Encourage self-service
  • Reduce abandons
Some of our results:

‘One of the world’s best known airlines had a 40% drop in call abandonment during peak periods after we improved their queue experience.’

‘An ‘experiential’ queue we created for a well known tourism brand generated lots of positive customer feedback – and callers engaged much more with what they heard.’

What does it cost?

Subscription charges include music track updates and licence fees. Talk to us for a personalised quote.